groups & workshops

online event
climate café
Resuming in February 2025
a climate café is a meeting place where we come together to witness and make space for the emotions that inevitably arise as we meet one of the great crises of our time: climate change.
this is where we practice staying with the trouble, where we are able to name the fear, grief, anxiety, and worry that many of us carry as we go about our days in late-stage capitalism.
we center co-regulation and presence secure attachment to self, to other, and the lands where we live.
we engage with the dreaming earth as a resource and source of guidance and inspiration.
this is a space to be with whatever is arising, right here, right now.
this is not a space for organizing, skipping over big feelings and moving into actions, or finding solutions.
this is a space where we practice meeting urgency with slowing down.
Cafe Format:
- Land acknowledgement
- Somatic practice
- Introductions
- A poem or reading
- Opening the space for sharing
- Closing the space with a grounding exercise

duration: 90 minutes
online, via Zoom (camera on for the duration of the group)
cost: $25 – $40 sliding scale
maximum 6 participants